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Welcome video (3:38)
Downloadable SIPP Self Insight Journal
10 Minute SIPP guided meditation
Bonus Video #1: Mindless morning routine (9:23)
Bonus Video #2: Breathing to change your state and calm your mind (12:09)
Day 1:
How to use the SIPP Active Meditation Method (27:45)
Day 2:
Thoughts, Feelings and Actions: How to combat cognitive dissonance (15:12)
Day 3:
Understanding your Hardware: Your brain on Affect labeling (20:07)
Day 4:
How to ask the right questions for self insight (13:03)
Day 5:
How to navigate difficult thoughts and emotions in meditation (10:25)
Day 6:
Using the SIPP method to generate meaning and fulfillment every day (15:01)
Day 7:
Ego Depletion: How to preserve your willpower (17:06)
Day 8:
Affirmations that actually work (17:46)
Day 9:
How to change your focus to create a new reality (13:43)
Day 10:
Integration: Self insight, inspired action and personal power (14:43)
How to navigate difficult thoughts and emotions in meditation
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